Friday, December 30, 2005

"It's awfully quiet around here."

It's hard to get comfy when Your Boys are getting ready to leave.

To stretch our visit, Lady naps in the family room on Ron's computer bag while we visit one last time. The next day, when the time comes, she won't say goodbye -- just goes to her red chair and ignores the door as it closes and the cars as they pull away.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Warm Winter Day

We had sun and 60s on Tuesday so Lady, the Boys, Grandfather and Auntie Al headed to Queeny Park for a long walk in the woods.

Lady got a swim ...

... and a big run while Grandfather and Auntie Al rested for a minute midway.

Cardinal at the Feeder

Matthew managed to zoom in on this cardinal at the feeder -- great shot, Matthew!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Lovin' with the Cat Guys

Musta head butts with Matthew for attention ...

while Toivo cuddles on Alex's lap again and again.

Sunday, December 25, 2005


How come nobody's paying any attention to ME? What makes Ted's new laptop so interesting, anyway?

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Lovin' with a Dog

Lady collects pets ...

... and neck scritches ...

and gives ... plenty of dog kisses to everyone.

And sometimes with her Two Best Boys at once!

She loves her new toy from Alex. Two days llater its skin is removed and the rubber in pieces ... which means it's a VERY good if temporary toy ...

but that's okay because there's always the string bone to pull on.

And then Matthew sneaks her onto the soft for a cuddle ...

and then turns her over for a long tickle.

Soooo tired.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Breakfast on the Winter Solstice

Dad's taken charge of feeding The Herd. All three (plus the birds outside) are ready for morning kibbles!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Toivo Chasing Squirrels

Just look at that tail twitch!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Table Decoration

Toivo seems to think her place is right in the middle of the dining room table.


After yesterday's six-hour playdate with Beau and Zack and this morning's Puppy Choir with a dozen neighborhood dogs, Lady's hardly moved all day.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

First Real Snow

It started snowing early this morning. Lady kept checking the progress through the windows then wanted out to experience the real thing!

Her world looks some different! Some things remain the same, however -- note the two balls, the football and the purple ball.

And of course it's best if you dig right in.

Finally, though, it't time to come inside where it's dry and warm.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Lady's First Pig's Ear

Beau and Zack brought bones and pig's ears for Lady's birthday.

Now a pig's ear requires careful inspection.

But by dawgs, they're lip-smackin' good!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Lady's Third Birthday

Like all grown-ups, Lady was little excited about her third birthday on December 1st (at least, that's the designated date since she was a pound puppy and we don't know the exact one).

But doggie treats were in order, thanks to Lady's Mom!

RustyV and RustyVI thought the treats looked just great.

And the Birthday Dog seemed to agree!