Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Reaching for New Heights

Toivo is fascinated with the table from all angles and stretches!

Hello, Mr Squirrel

... have you scared off the winter birds?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Change Comes Hard

Poor Lady. She is not happy about her kibble bowl being moved to the basement. She knows where it is, she knows it's full, she knows she's hungry. But it's been three hours and she still will not succumb to the temptation. This dog is tough!

Later: Finally, she ate but only after being led, very docilely, to the basement on a leash. TWICE.
  • First Trip: she sniffed at the food then looked up with sad puppy eyes. Two minutes later, I realized she'd soundlessly gone up the stairs and retreated to her Sad Chair.
  • Second Trip: now loosely tied to a chair near her kibble bowl, she sniffed at the food then looked up with sad puppy eyes. Then sat. And sat. And sat.
Softie that I am, I sat beside her, petted her, beseeched her to eat, waited for her to eat. No go.

So I put a few kibbles in my hand and offered them to her. She sniffed, then gently took a single kibble from my hand -- success, yes? -- and just as gently dropped it on the floor by her feet! And another! And another! And another! Kibble by kibble! This dog is tough!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

New Cat Cave

Toivo likes it under the new kitchen table: it's high enough to be safe from The Dog and dark enough for A Cat ...

... except a Scaredy-Cat Musta who likes it better on top!

Rainy Sunday

Lady watching the squirrels and later ...

Toivo watching Lady chasing squirrels outside.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

What's Up?

All three are curious about the little kitchen table's temporary placement in the dining room ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It's Almost Turkey Day

From Animals and Human Alike, Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!

Lady's rustled up a special surprise for you -- just click
here. Hope you like it!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Her Eyes

... are bigger than moons!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Toivo, Again

Fussing with the flowers. AGAIN.

Lady in the Leaves

She's not much help but she sure is cute!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Good Food & Bad Food

Lady waits expectantly for her TREAT BALL to be filled ...

... but has no idea what to think about the steak juice left. She ignores it! (Note the tennis ball in her dish ... it's a new game.)

Musta Stays Warm & Playful

When the furnace comes on, this is Musta's favorite spot, basking in the direct heat from the vent and batting at the cord.

The Resident Bat

The shadows make little Toivo's ears look even bigger than they are!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Musta's Electric Blanket

This is Musta's favorite spot -- right atop my laptop. Luckily, this time I remembered to put the top down. When I don't, all those pawsteps and settling-in moves create some very whacky commands that put the laptop in a drive-spin!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Lady Turns to Mush

Is it any wonder that Lady greets next-door Elizabeth with a helicopter tail?

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Time for Supper

Mom, is it time for supper, please? PLEASE??

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Christmas Lights!

KK crossed the back fence to see Lady and to help Ms Lady (what she calls me!) wrap lights around the trunk of the fir tree in back. (Look closely in the upper right corner.)

Lady in the Leaves

It was a nine-bag day -- nine bags of MULCHED leaves, to be sure -- and by the next morning, after a big overnight thunderstorm, the job needed doing again!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Lady & the Gnome

The Norwegian gnome emerges from the summer undergrowth ...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Lazy Supper

Some times even eating is just so much work ...