Poor Lady. She is not happy about her kibble bowl being moved to the basement. She knows where it is, she knows it's full, she knows she's hungry. But it's been three hours and she still will not succumb to the temptation. This dog is tough!
Later: Finally, she ate but only after being led, very docilely, to the basement on a leash. TWICE.
- First Trip: she sniffed at the food then looked up with sad puppy eyes. Two minutes later, I realized she'd soundlessly gone up the stairs and retreated to her Sad Chair.
- Second Trip: now loosely tied to a chair near her kibble bowl, she sniffed at the food then looked up with sad puppy eyes. Then sat. And sat. And sat.
So I put a few kibbles in my hand and offered them to her. She sniffed, then gently took a single kibble from my hand -- success, yes? -- and just as gently dropped it on the floor by her feet! And another! And another! And another! Kibble by kibble! This dog is tough!
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