Lots of Toivo pictures ... she always has been the camera-happy kitty around here!
But with Musta gone, I'm intrigued by her behavior changes. I didn't realize how much I must have been Musta's 'territory'. Now that the territory is open for re-claiming, Toivo's stepping in. This is the cat that would disappear - where I could never figure out - between breakfast and supper and again between supper and breakfast, making short appearances and meowing for a scritch some times.
But now I've created a bed (M & A, do you recognize Lady's old bed?!) on the bed and she spends a lot of time there. I used to keep two sleeping spots on the bed; one always remained empty.
And last night, much to my surprise, she tucked herself timidly between the covers: something she never ONCE did before and something which Musta did, every single night once the weather turned cold, carefully making her way between the top sheet and the comforter, never under the sheet. Toivo didn't stay long under the cover.
Still: very interesting ...
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