Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sunny Sunday

Friday, November 24, 2006
Supervising the Leaf Blowing
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The Red Chair

If I'd had even one thought about getting a feline housemate for Toivo (which I didn't) I'd be second-guessing the idea now. It's nice to see her come up from the basement, out of the closet (in a cat way ;-) and into the light.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Dooce Skin Cancer Shot
Frosty Leaves
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Peanut Butter Cocktail

[update: at first I loved licking peanut butter off my Mom's spoon ... but hmmph, she keeps putting all those nasty tasting pills on there too ... so now she has to open my mouth and wipe peanut butter and a pill on the roof of my mouth ... peanut butter licking is allowed ... licking my incision is NOT]
Friday, November 17, 2006
I'm Home

Maybe I'll eat later.
We're Ready

(May I once again recommend surgeon Mary Jean Gorse from Veterinary Specialists of St. Louis?) Today is Mary Jean's day off. But she was in the office this morning to check on Lady, then called to report that she jumped to her feet, tail a-wagging, then plowed through morning kibbles (and she ate last night, too, good). I think I still need to steel myself to what Lady's going to look like, her energy level, all the pills she's going to be taking.
But ... she'll be home in a few hours! We're spending a quiet weekend around the house. Maybe a little baking, a little reading, a little ... just quiet.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Empty Bed

But it sure was quiet around here last night. I even had to fetch Toivo from the basement! Several times, I've started, Oh! Lady needs to go out. Or, Oh! where's the dog? Did I forget to let her back in? And this morning on the way to coffee, her collar rattled in the back seat and for just one second, I turned to rub her paw, just like always.
She comes home tomorrow, late.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Oh. And she's got "good drugs".
She won't likely come home til late on Friday. After only three hours, it's already quiet around here!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Lady's First Real Bone
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